Home Exterior Improvement Part 1: Clean Up Your Yard

Exterior Improvement

Home Exterior Improvement Part 1: Clean Up Your Yard
Home Exterior Improvement Part 2: Small Things
Home Exterior Improvement Part 3: Doors and Windows
Home Exterior Improvement Part 4: Garage Doors

Often we get used to the way our home looks, even if it is run-down or outdated. While it certainly is important to maintain our homes for practical reasons (roof, plumbing, electrical, etc) updating the exterior look of our homes have two benefits. We can enjoy the new look and it will add value to our home.

While some of these recommended updates require the services of professionals, some can be done with a little of your own time and hard work.

Let’s start with the property surrounding your home, the yard.

Cut Back, Clean Up

Our properties get overgrown with foliage over time. This is one of those issues that creeps up on us; one day we look at the huge, overgrown shrub by the front door and say, “When did THAT happen?” The first, low cost item we can take care of is to give our yard a haircut and style. Aerate (if necessary), cut and trim your grass. If your grass is in poor condition, speak with a local that has nice looking grass and ask what type of things they do to keep their grass in good shape, weed/moss-free, etc.

Front Yard - Before

Trim your trees and shrubs. At first you may feel like you do after visiting the hair salon, “Did you have to cut so much off?” Sometimes that first pruning is a bit more drastic and shocking to your system but next season, the pruning will be minor (Yes, you will need to do this work again). Open up space in your yard and crop back those branches that have been starting to block light from entering your windows.

Front Yard - After

Trim your trees and shrubs. At first you may feel like you do after visiting the hair salon, “Did you have to cut so much off?” Sometimes that first pruning is a bit more drastic and shocking to your system but next season, the pruning will be minor (Yes, you will need to do this work again). Open up space in your yard and crop back those branches that have been starting to block light from entering your windows.

Add Some Beauty

You may also realize, now that you have opened up your front yard by subtraction, that adding a small tree, bush or some flowers may give an instant boost to the look of your home. While we are on the topic of flowers, as you progress through your home exterior improvement checklist, you may want to plan for some planters and flower boxes on your front porch or around your front door and windows.

Curb Appeal - Home Exterior Improvement

Understandably, sometimes the cutting back process is seemingly in opposition to your privacy concerns. That is a balance that you can be aware of, to cut or not to cut. Taking a few weekends to clean up your property (or having someone do it for you) will bring instant gratification which does not break the bank. Your property opens up and you can more clearly see the other issues that need to be addressed in order to improve the exterior of your home.

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